House of Rock is excited to introduce History Harvest in partnership with Texas A&M University Corpus Christi and the Downtown Management District during ArtWalk.
All History Harvest Upcoming dates:
August 5th
October 7th
December 2nd
The Special Collections and Archives at the Mary and Jeff Bell Library collects materials that document Corpus Christi history including personal photos and family records. House of Rock owner Casey Lain developed the idea to showcase Corpus Christi’s rich music and artistic history with History Harvest in conjunction with Texas A&M University. He realized the vast community interest in people sharing their stories through photos.
“Once we started to dive into this project, many people came out of the woodwork with contributions and interest in hearing the back story of venues, concerts, festivals, theater performances and so much more,” Lain said.
House of Rock’s History Harvest series will feature live music photos in Corpus Christi throughout history submitted by photographers, fans, and local concert goers. Photos will be projected throughout the Venue at House of Rock with university representatives on site to collect documents and scan photos that the public would like to have harvested.
Amanda Kowalski is a Library Information Specialist for Mary and Jeff Bell Library and understands the importance of archiving these historical documents. Kowalski has been an integral part of making this event possible, even displaying her own photography at the first ever History Harvest back in April.
“This event is a way for the university to crowd source the building of important cultural history,” Kowalski said. “Many times, archives hold records that document major people and players but miss out on records that document the lived experience and culture in the area.”
If you have photos of Corpus Christi history, personal or professional, bring them to House of Rock during ArtWalk on April 1st from 5 PM to 9 PM to add them to TAMUCC’s history harvest archives.
“Everyone’s history matters. Researchers always want to know what life was like at a particular point, Kowalski said. “Collecting records like those we gather at History Harvests mean we have a broader and more complete record.”
For more information on History Harvest, click here.
Visit Special Collections and Archives on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TAMUCCspecoll
And the Mary and Jeff Bell Library on Facebook, Instagram, Twitch and Twitter @TAMUCClibrary